Clogged Drains Are Common Causes of Back Pain

When your shower or sink suddenly stops running, your first impulse may be to call a licensed plumber to unblock a blocked drain, but in reality, the best solution to clogged drains lies in a simple and relatively painless method that many of us can handle on our own. Drains are usually the result of a buildup of hard mineral deposits inside the pipe connecting your shower to your bath. Over time, these deposits can harden and cause the pipe to become clogged, especially if there are not enough supply of water from your shower drain to make it through the entire pipe. If left alone, a simple unclogging of the drain may never occur. However, if you ignore the problem it could quickly become a major health hazard for you and your family. In addition, it costs a lot less money to simply fix your clogged pipes than it does to pay a plumber hundreds or thousands of dollars to repair your drainage system.

Clogged Drains

Some common causes of clogs in bathtubs and showers include soap scum build-up, tree roots, hair, dander, or jewelry. Most of these common causes of clogs can be avoided by simply rinsing your hair or bathroom as soon as you get out of the shower and before you towel off your body. Doing this will clear any soap scum from your sinks, tubs, or showers. It is also important to keep your bathroom tiles clean by vacuuming and wiping them down daily. The use of chemical cleaning agents can also help to break up oil, grease, and hair products in your sinks and tubs.

Another common cause of clogged drains in the bathroom is faulty running hot water pipes. If your hot water pipe is leaking, it could be because the joints between the pipe and the wall have become rusty or have deteriorated over the years. As water slowly leaks from these joints, it leaves small bits of debris inside. Over time, these pieces can build up and become a real problem. Not only can run hot water cause your pipes to clog, it can also make existing pipes fragile and break during the next rainstorm.

To prevent clogged drains in the bathroom, make sure to always turn on the hot water first and then flush everything out of the sink and tub. Always use an automatic faucet remote so that you don’t have to manually switch off the flow of water. It’s also important to check to make sure that the main water line doesn’t have any debris inside and fix all broken pipes before the storm hits. Finally, if you’re bathroom sink or tub starts to fill with water, stop using it and make sure that it isn’t leaking. You may have clogged drains by checking for leaks.

Many people have found that using baking soda and vinegar for clogged drains has worked well. However, baking soda is not recommended for larger water lines because of the acid it contains. For smaller lines, it’s a good idea to use apple cider vinegar. Either way, make sure to read the bottle on both products to make sure that they won’t cause damage to your plumbing system.

If you’re not sure what the most common causes of clogs in the bathroom are, then consider using natural home remedies. Clogged Drains can be caused by hair, food particles, dander, and even skin oils. Although there aren’t too many medications that will help with common causes of clogs, there are a few things you can try at home to keep them from forming. One thing you can do to help reduce hair buildup is to cut your hair short. Shave your head instead of using hair spray when showering to reduce buildup of hair.